
к ѹ溴
պ κ
к պ ѹ溴 ġ ǿ Ǽ
λ õ 뱸 泲 泲
ġ Ȱ Ǻΰ ܰ ΰ 񴢱 ܰ ܰ ̺İ Ҿư ౹

2024 ȸ 46 мȸ 13 : 2024-06-09


2024 ȸ 46 мȸ 13 : 2024-06-09
: 2024-06-09
: 絿 AT 3F η, 4F â

: 2024 ȸ 46 мȸ 13

ֱ : ȸ
ó : 02-974-8606  

̸ : koreabalance@vertigo.co.kr

: ̺İ, Ű, ǻ, б

: 300
: 6

: Ư
ð : 18 ð 0

μ : 70,000  

ȸ 6, 7/ ȸ - û, ȣ, Ƿ 3, 4/ ȸ : 8, 9 /û,ȣ,Ƿ : 3, 4/ȸ -

ǽ ð (Ҽ) ʼ

ð 06 09 η 08:30~08:55 Peripheral vestibular systems ڿ(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 08:55~09:20 Central vestibular systems (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â1 08:30~08:55 Positional nystagmus from peripheral lesion ɴ뺸(ѾǴ )

ð 06 09 â1 08:55~09:20 Positional Nystagmus from central lesion ͼ(õǴ)

ð 06 09 â2 08:30~08:55 Positional Nystagmus from central lesion Cecilia A. Callejas Pastor(泲б ǻк)

ð 06 09 â2 08:55~09:20 Clinical value of VOR in the differentiation of spinocerebellar ataxia (Ǵ)

Ÿ 06 09 η 09:20~09:30 ȸ -(-)

ð 06 09 η 09:30~09:50 Ȱġ // ٰ- ֽ (縯Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 09:50~10:10 Ȱġ - ȯ ʸ ߽ (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 10:10~10:30 ICT Ȱġ Ұ (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 10:30~10:50 Ȱ Ŭ  (縯Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â1 09:30~09:50 Physiology of motion-sickness (泲Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â1 09:50~10:10 Mal debaquement syndrome Ͼ(DZǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 10:10~10:30 ڵ ֹ 輺(ڵ)

ð 06 09 â1 10:30~10:50 Treatment of motion sickness (縯Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 09:30~10:10 ۼ м Chat GPT Ȱ (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 10:10~10:50 ӻǸ DB ֽ (б ȣ)

޽ 06 09 - 10:50~11:00 ޽ -(-)

ð 06 09 η 11:00~12:00 Inner Ear Schwannomas: A (not so) rare differential diagnosis of vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus. Clinical Presentation and Management with Respect to Vestibular Function and Hearing Rehabilitation. Stefan K. Plontke(Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)

Ļ 06 09 - 12:00~13:00 ȸ ɽĻ -(-)

ð 06 09 η 13:00~13:15 ˾ƾ غ ʼ (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 13:15~13:30 ͵ (ȯ ) (հǴ)

ð 06 09 η 13:30~13:50 5оȿ ϴ ˻ ̽(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 13:50~14:10 ϴ ๰ ٷ ˱ (ܱǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 13:00~13:25 Cervicogenic dizziness (õǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 13:25~13:50 Presbyvestibulopathy (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â1 13:50~14:10 Post-traumatic dizziness (縯Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 13:00~13:25 Positioning devices for BPPV diagnosis and treatment ι(հǴ)

ð 06 09 â2 13:25~13:50 Capturing ictal nystagmus ֿ(縯Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 13:50~14:10 Application of artificial intelligence, telemedicine ȫ(ѸǴ)

޽ 06 09 - 14:10~14:20 ޽ -(-)

ð 06 09 η 14:20~14:35 ⺻ ɰ˻ ǵ (˻) ̼(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 14:35~14:50 Įθ ˻ ǵ Ȱ ּ(λǴ)

ð 06 09 η 14:50~15:10 ҳɰ˻縦 Ϲ Ű ˻ (뱸縯Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 15:10~15:30 ⺻ ˻ ̳(ϳ̺İ)

ð 06 09 â1 14:20~14:40 Medical treatment ּ(λǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 14:40~15:00 Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Targeting Therapies (泲Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â1 15:00~15:30 Botulinum toxin ȫ(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 14:20~14:40 Vestibular phenotype in genetic hearing loss â(DZǴ)

ð 06 09 â2 14:40~15:00 Recent advances in understanding molecular bases of Meniere 輺(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 15:00~15:30 Genetic entity in cerebellar ataxia with bilateral vestibulopathy ȯ(λǴ)

޽ 06 09 - 15:30~15:45 ޽ -(-)

ð 06 09 η 15:45~16:05 Horizontal canal BPPV ȿ(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 η 16:05~16:25 Vertical canal BPPV (λǴ)

ð 06 09 η 16:25~16:55 Secondary BPPV ̹ο(ܱǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 15:45~16:00 Vascular vertigo ҿ(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â1 16:00~16:15 Vestibular disorders mimicking Meniere ȫ(ѸǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 16:15~16:35 High riding jugular bulb (λǴ)

ð 06 09 â1 16:35~16:55 Rotational vertebral artery occlusion syndrome ֱ(λǴ)

ð 06 09 â2 15:45~16:05 Physiology (Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 16:05~16:25 Covert saccades are funtionally relavent? ȯ(Ǵ)

ð 06 09 â2 16:25~16:55 Central patterns of vHIT ̼(Ǵ)


 Խù õմϴ.
" 2024 ȸ 46 мȸ 13 : 2024-06-09"" ̿ı⳪ õ սô. ^^
 Խù õմϴ.
2024 : 2024-06-09
Ѱȸ – 11ȸ : 2024-06-09
ȣ õ ȸ
21092 ѽȸ 2024 ǽ Part : 2024-07-07 0 125 2024-06-19
21091 2024 Ѽȭ⳻ðȸ ȸ : 2024-07-07 0 66 2024-06-19
21090 2024 Ѽ鿬ȸ мȸ DAY 2 : 2024-07-07 0 44 2024-06-19
21089 Ǻΰȸ 2024 4ȸ : 2024-07-07 0 56 2024-06-19
21088 λ 2024 Ѻȸ οȸ 迬 : 2024-07-06 0 106 2024-06-18
21087 2024 ϻZ ȭ : 2024-07-06 0 84 2024-06-18
21086 ѱȣǽȭǷȸ 2024 ϰмȸ : 2024-07-06 0 47 2024-06-18
21085 б 2024 : 2024-07-06 0 117 2024-06-18
21084 22ȸ 7 ǻȸ յ мȸ : 2024-07-06 0 105 2024-06-18
21083 ǻȸ 6ȸ ũ : 2024-07-06 0 53 2024-06-18
21082 2024 ѹƾȸ : 2024-07-06 0 94 2024-06-18
21081 2024 ѳȸ ȸ ϰ : 2024-07-06 0 92 2024-06-18
21080 2024 Ȼ : 2024-07-06 0 94 2024-06-18
21079 2024 ȣⰨ ȸ : 2024-07-06 0 56 2024-06-18
21078 λ ̺İǻȸ 2024 ȸ& -ο : 2024-07-06 0 59 2024-06-18
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