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´ëÇѳúÀüÁõÇÐȸ 29rd KOREAN EPILEPSY CONGRESS (2024 KEC) 2ÀÏÂ÷ : 2024-06-22

¿¬¼ö°­Á À̹øÁÖ BEST

´ëÇѳúÀüÁõÇÐȸ 29rd KOREAN EPILEPSY CONGRESS (2024 KEC) 2ÀÏÂ÷ : 2024-06-22
±³À°ÀÏÀÚ : 2024-06-22
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À̸ÞÀÏ : epilepsy@kes.or.kr

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±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 08:30~08:45 Case 1. Diagnosis and treatment of patients resenting with pain as a symptom of epilepsy: navigating the challenges À̵¿¾Æ(ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë ÇØ¿î´ë ¹éº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 08:45~09:00 Case 2. The expedition to find focality in pharmacoresistant pediatric epilepsy ¾çµ¿È­(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë ±¸·Îº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 09:00~09:15 Understanding pharmacokinetics and drug interactions of antiseizure medications through cases 1 Çã°æ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë ¼¼ºê¶õ½ºº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 09:15~09:30 Understanding pharmacokinetics and drug interactions of antiseizure medications through cases 2 Çã°æ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë ¼¼ºê¶õ½ºº´¿ø)

ÈÞ½Ä 06¿ù 22ÀÏ 09:30~09:40 Coffee Break ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A+B 09:40~10:30 Presidential symposium. Identification of epileptic network using stereoelectroencephalography Fabrice Bartolomei (Aix-Marseille University)

ÈÞ½Ä 06¿ù 22ÀÏ 10:30~10:40 Coffee Break ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 10:40~11:00 Hippocampus and Imagination Á¤¹Îȯ(Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø(KAIST))

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 11:00~11:20 Uric acid and seizure disorder from bedside to bench ÃÖÁØ¿µ(¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë ¾ÆÁִ뺴¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 11:40~12:20 Two-year experience with Zebinix in single tertiary center ±èµ¿¿í(°Ç±¹ÀÇ´ë °Ç±¹´ëº´¿ø)

ÈÞ½Ä 06¿ù 22ÀÏ 12:20~12:30 Coffee Break ()

±âŸ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ 12:30~13:30 Poster presentation ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 13:30~13:50 Basic principles and clinical application of MEG in Korea È«½ÂºÀ(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë »ï¼º¼­¿ïº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 13:50~14:10 MEG and epilepsy surgery Àå¿ø¼®(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë ¼¼ºê¶õ½ºº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 14:10~14:30 MEG-based brain mapping for epilepsy and other diseases Nobukazu Nakasato (Tohoku University School of Medicine)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 14:30~14:50 Zebrafish EEG predicts the efficacy of antiseizure medications ±è¼ÒÈñ(´ë±¸°æºÏ°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø(DGIST))

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 14:50~15:10 The role of animal models in drug repurposing for developmental and epileptic encephalopathies ±è¹ÎÁö(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë ¼­¿ï¾Æ»êº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 15:10~15:30 Is there a promise of precision medicine using current gene editing therapies for developmental and epileptic encephalopathies °í¾Æ¶ó(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë ¼¼ºê¶õ½ºº´¿ø)

ÈÞ½Ä 06¿ù 22ÀÏ 15:30~15:40 Coffee Break ()

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 15:40~16:00 Incidence of seizures and risk of epilepsy in autoimmune encephalitis ÁÖ°Ç(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë ¼­¿ï´ëº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 16:00~16:20 Clinical and electroencephalographic features of epileptic seizures in autoimmune encephalitis ÀÌ¿ìÁø(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë ºÐ´ç¼­¿ï´ëº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 16:20~16:40 Management and long-term outcomes of epileptic seizures in autoimmune encephalitis ¼±¿ìÁØ»ó(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë °­ºÏ»ï¼ºº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 16:40~17:00 Freud and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures David Y. Ko(Loma Linda VA Medical Center)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 17:00~17:20 Electroencephalographic and imaging features of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures ±è¼ºÈÆ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë ÀÇÁ¤ºÎ¼º¸ðº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra A 17:20~17:40 Proper management of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures ±è¿ìÁØ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë ¼­¿ï¼º¸ðº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 08:30~08:45 NCSE in critically ill patients should be treated aggressively ±è¿µ¼ö(°æ»óÀÇ´ë °æ»ó´ëº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 08:45~09:00 NCSE in critically ill patients should NOT be treated aggressively ÀÓ¼ºÃ¶(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë ¼ººó¼¾Æ®º´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 09:00~09:15 Focal-aware SE should be treated aggressively ±è¿µ¼ö(°æ»óÀÇ´ë °æ»ó´ëº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 09:15~09:30 Focal-aware SE should NOT be treated aggressively ÀÓ¼ºÃ¶(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë ¼ººó¼¾Æ®º´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 10:40~11:00 Epilepsy diagnosis and syndromic classification ¹®ÁøÈ­(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë ±¸¸®º´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 11:00~11:20 Seizure intractability and drug response Ji Yeoun Yoo(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai )

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 11:20~11:40 Cognitive and behavioral consequences À̺¸·Ã(ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë ºÎ»ê¹éº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 11:40~12:20 Lacosamide as an alternative treatment option in status epilepticus  ÀÌÁöÈÆ(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë »ï¼º¼­¿ïº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 13:30~13:50 New landscape of epilepsy surgery: SEEG guided, less invasive surgery and neuromodulation ¼Õ¿µ¹Î(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë »ï¼º¼­¿ïº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 13:50~14:10 A Novel Method for Detecting High-Frequency Oscillations with High Specificity Hohyun Cho(Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, USA)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 14:10~14:30 Usefulness of SEEG in epilepsy surgery: experiences in Nishiniigata Chuo Hospital Masafumi Fukuda (Nishi Niigata Chuo National Hospital)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 14:30~14:50 EPIDIOLEX¢ç (cannabidiol), an FDA-approved drug for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Yong D. Park(Augusta University )

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 14:50~15:10 Corpus callosotomy and vagus nerve stimulation for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Joo Hee Seo(AdventHealth for Children)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 15:10~15:30 Deep brain stimulation of thalamic centromedian nucleus for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Hyunmi Kim(Stanford University)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 15:40~16:00 Challenging clinical situation in refractory status epilepticus: NORSE Ji Yeoun Yoo(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai )

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 16:00~16:20 Challenging clinical situation in refractory status epilepticus: FIRES °­ÁØ¿ø(Ãæ³²´ëÇб³º´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 16:20~16:40 Preclinical models of NORSE/FIRES: how and why Sookyong Koh (University of Nebraska )

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 16:40~17:00 Epidemiology of cognitive comorbidities in epilepsy ÃÖ¼±¾Æ(ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë ¸ñµ¿º´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 17:00~17:20 Interictal epileptiform activity and cognitive comorbidities: intracranial EEG study ±è¿ìÁß(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë ¼­¿ï´ëº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra B 17:20~17:40 Deciphering epilepsy-associated comorbidities through hippocampal neurogenesis Á¶°æ¿Á(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë ¾à¸®Çб³½Ç)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra C 09:40~11:40 Curry hands-on practice ±¸¿ë¼­(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë ¼­¿ï¾Æ»êº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra C 13:30~15:30 Epidemiologic Study for Seizure and Epilepsy using Nationwide database for Corean Epilepsy patients (ESSENCE) study group À̼­¿µ(°­¿øÀÇ´ë °­¿ø´ëº´¿ø)

±³À°½Ã°£ 06¿ù 22ÀÏ Hanra C 15:40~17:40 consideration for clinical cde deployment: clinical use vs. research application ¼Õ¿µ¹Î(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë »ï¼º¼­¿ïº´¿ø)


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21092 ¼­¿ï ´ëÇѽºÆ÷Ã÷ÀÇÇÐȸ 2024³â ÆÀÇÇÁö¼Ç ½Ç½À °úÁ¤ Part¥° : 2024-07-07 0 80 2024-06-19
21091 ±¤ÁÖ 2024³â ´ëÇѼÒÈ­±â³»½Ã°æÇÐȸ ±¤ÁÖÀü³²Áöȸ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-07 0 48 2024-06-19
21090 ¼­¿ï 2024³â ´ëÇѼö¸é¿¬±¸ÇÐȸ Á¤±â Çмú´ëȸ DAY 2 : 2024-07-07 0 21 2024-06-19
21089 ¼­¿ï ´ëÇÑÇǺΰúÇÐȸ 2024³â Á¦4ȸ Àü¹®ÀÇ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-07 0 29 2024-06-19
21088 ºÎ»ê 2024 ´ëÇѺñ¸¸ÇÐȸ ºÎ¿ï°æÁöȸ Ãá°è¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-06 0 73 2024-06-18
21087 ¼­¿ï 2024 °­ºÏ»ï¼ºº´¿ø ¼ÒÈ­±â ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö : 2024-07-06 0 51 2024-06-18
21086 ´ëÀü Çѱ¹È£½ºÇǽº¡¤¿ÏÈ­ÀÇ·áÇÐȸ 2024³â ÇÏ°èÇмú´ëȸ : 2024-07-06 0 25 2024-06-18
21085 ¼­¿ï ¼­¿ï´ëÇб³º´¿ø 2024 Á¶¿µÁ¦ ¾ÈÀü°ü¸® ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö : 2024-07-06 0 69 2024-06-18
21084 ¼­¿ï Á¦22ȸ ¼­¿ï½Ã ³²¼­ 7°³±¸ ÀÇ»çȸ ÇÕµ¿ Çмú´ëȸ : 2024-07-06 0 63 2024-06-18
21083 ±¤ÁÖ ±¤ÁÖÀü³²³»°úÀÇ»çȸ Á¦6ȸ ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ÇÚÁî¿Â ¿öÅ©¼ó : 2024-07-06 0 28 2024-06-18
21082 ¼­¿ï 2024 ´ëÇѹ®¸Æ¾ÐÇ×ÁøÁõ¿¬±¸È¸ ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö : 2024-07-06 0 65 2024-06-18
21081 °­¿ø 2024³â ´ëÇѳ»°úÇÐȸ °­¿øÁöȸ ÇÏ°è ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-06 0 55 2024-06-18
21080 °æ±â 2024³â °í´ë¾È»ê ³»°ú °³¿øÀÇ ¿¬¼ö°­Á : 2024-07-06 0 56 2024-06-18
21079 ¼­¿ï 2024 È£Èí±â°¨¿°º´ ¿¬±¸È¸ ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö : 2024-07-06 0 29 2024-06-18
21078 ºÎ»ê ´ëÇÑÀ̺ñÀÎÈÄ°úÀÇ»çȸ 2024 Áöȸ&ÁöºÎ ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö-ºÎ¿ï°æ : 2024-07-06 0 28 2024-06-18
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