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±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:00~09:02 Opening Address Wonki Baek(Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center)

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:02~09:05 Welcoming Remarks Chiheum Cho(Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center)

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:05~09:10 Congratulatory Address Ilhi Synn(Keimyung University)

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:10~09:15 Congratulatory Address Soondo Cha(Korea Health Industry Development Institute)

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:15~09:20 Congratulatory Address Pokkee Min(Daegu Medical Association)

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:20~09:25 Jejoongwon in 1899 The Beginning of a Healing Journey Video(Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center)

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:25~09:50 Advancing Smart Healthcare at DSMC Chiheum Cho(Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center)

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 09:50~10:15 The Future of Healthcare The Jisun Lee(Korea Health Industry Development Institute)

Åä·Ð 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 10:15~10:25 Åä·Ð ( )

½Ä»ç 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 10:25~10:45 ÈÞ½Ä ( )

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 10:45~11:10 Smart Hospital & Digital Transformation through Co-create Approach Andy David(Philips (UK))

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 11:10~11:35 Digital health transformation in clinical settings Wonchul Cha(Samsung Medical Center)

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 11:35~12:05 Healthcare transformation enabled by Artificial Intelligence Maneesh Goyal(Mayo Clinic Platform (USA))

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 12:05~12:25 Digital Transformation in Singhealth, our Journey thus Far and the Path Ahead Charles Goh(SingHealth (Singapore))

Åä·Ð 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 12:25~12:35 Åä·Ð ( )

ÈÞ½Ä 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 12:35~14:00 ÈÞ½Ä ( )

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 14:00~14:25 The importance of international standard adoption when building digital health capacity to maximise population health outcomes Andrew Pearce(HIMSS Analytics (Australia))

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 14:25~14:50 The Future Role of Government in Health IT and Digital Health in Korea Taekyun Song(Korea Health Industry Development Institute)

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 14:50~15:15 Public Health Coordinating care for vulnerable populations Jongsu Jeon(Korea Microsoft)

Åä·Ð 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 15:15~15:25 Åä·Ð ( )

ÈÞ½Ä 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 15:25~15:40 ÈÞ½Ä ( )

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 15:40~16:05 Treating Members Like Family Leveraging Technology And AI For An Aging Population Ed Park(Devoted Health (USA))

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 16:05~16:30 Improving Hospital Operations and Clinical Outcomes Thomas Hartley(Siemens (Germany))

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 16:30~16:55 Digital Healthcare 2024 Age of Generative AI Goonho Rha(Naver Healthcare Lab)

±³À°½Ã°£ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 16:55~17:20 Connected healthcare through AI enabled mobile technology Hee Hwang(KakaoHealthcrare Corp.)

Åä·Ð 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 17:20~17:30 Åä·Ð ( )

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 17:30~17:40 DSMC Datathon Awards Chiheum Cho(Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center)

±âŸ 07¿ù 05ÀÏ Çà¼Ò´ë°­´ç 17:40~18:00 Closing Remarks Chiheum Cho(Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center)


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´ÙÀ½±Û ´ëÇÑÅ»ÀåÇÐȸ 18th Congress of the KHS & 2024 International Symposium(1ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-07-05
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20777 ¼­¿ï 2024 ´ëÇÑÈ­»óÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ(2ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-06-14 0 33 2024-05-27
20776 ºÎ»ê 2024³â Çѱ¹°£´ãÃé¿Ü°úÇÐȸ ºÎ¿ï°æÁöȸ °£ÀÌ½Ä ½ÉÆ÷Áö¾ö : 2024-06-14 0 64 2024-05-27
20775 ¼­¿ï 2024³â °áÇÙ°ü¸®±³À° 1±â(1ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-06-13 0 86 2024-05-27
20774 ºÎ»ê (¿Â¶óÀÎ) ´ëÇÑÀ̺ñÀÎÈÄ°úÇÐȸ ºÎ»ê¡¤¿ï»ê¡¤°æ³² ÁöºÎȸ 2024³â 06¿ù Çмú´ëȸ : 2024-06-13 0 31 2024-05-27
20773 ´ëÀü 2024 Á¦40ȸ ´ëÇѼҾƿܰúÇÐȸ Ãá°èÇмú´ëȸ ¹× 40Áֳ⠱â³äÇà»ç(1ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-06-13 0 37 2024-05-27
20772 ´ë±¸ 2024 Á¦2Â÷ ´ëÇѺñ´¢ÀÇÇÐȸ ´ë±¸°æºÏÁöºÎÇÐȸ : 2024-06-13 0 37 2024-05-27
20771 ¼­¿ï ´ëÇÑÁø´ÜÀ¯ÀüÇÐȸ 2024³â Á¦19Â÷ Çмú´ëȸ (1ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-06-13 0 50 2024-05-27
20770 ¼­¿ï 2024 ´ëÇÑÈ­»óÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ(1ÀÏÂ÷) : 2024-06-13 0 40 2024-05-27
20769 ¼­¿ï 2024³â ±Ýõ±¸ÀÇ»çȸ 1Â÷ ¿¬¼ö±³À°(¿ì¿ïÁõ ¾àÁ¦, ÇǺÎÁúȯ, CBC¿Í LFT, À§¿°) : 2024-06-12 0 41 2024-05-27
20768 ¼­¿ï 2024 Á¦3ȸ ÀÌ°ÇÈñ ¼Ò¾Æ¾Ï¡¤Èñ±ÍÁúȯ ±Øº¹»ç¾÷ ¿¬±¸ÀÚ SKILL-UP Workshop : 2024-06-12 0 35 2024-05-27
20767 °æ±â ´ëÇÑÇǺΰúÇÐȸ Á¦78Â÷ °æ±âÁöºÎȸ ÇмúÁý´ãȸ : 2024-06-11 0 83 2024-05-27
20766 ±¤ÁÖ Á¦180Â÷ ´ëÇѼҾÆû¼Ò³â°úÇÐȸ ±¤ÁÖ¡¤Àü³²Áöȸ ÇмúÁý´ãȸ : 2024-06-11 0 42 2024-05-27
20765 ºÎ»ê ´ëÇÑÁ¤Çü¿Ü°úÇÐȸ ºÎ»ê,¿ï»ê,°æ³²Áöȸ - Á¦362Â÷ ¿ù·ÊÇмúȸ : 2024-06-11 0 102 2024-05-27
20764 ¼­¿ï (¿Â¶óÀÎ) ÀÇ·á±â°ü Á¾»çÀÚ ´ë»ó ¿¬¸íÀÇ·á°áÁ¤Á¦µµ ±âº»±³À° : 2024-06-11 0 37 2024-05-27
20763 ¼­¿ï (¿Â¶óÀÎ) ÀÇ·á±â°ü Á¾»çÀÚ(ÀÇ»ç) ´ë»ó ¿¬¸íÀÇ·á°áÁ¤Á¦µµ ½ÉÈ­±³À° : 2024-06-11 0 62 2024-05-27
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
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